Recipe: DIY Boba Egg Tart & Boba Cream Puff with O’s Bubble Frozen Classic Instant Boba Pack

What else can you make with O’s Bubble?

Let’s check out some creative boba recipes!

Boba Egg Tart

  1. Prepare an egg tart or make it on your own.
  2. Cut open the instant boba pack and put it in the microwave for 1 min.
  3. Put the egg tart in the oven for about 3-5 min.
  4. Put boba on the egg tart.
  5. Then you can have your own Boba Egg Tart and enjoy it!

Boba Cream Puff

  1. Prepare a choux pastry or make it yourself.
  2. Cut open the instant boba pack and put it in the microwave for 1 min.You can choose milk tea flavor, chocolate flavor, or any other flavor you like!
  3. Put the instant boba pack in the microwave for 1 min.
  4. Add boba to the cream.
  5. Then you can enjoy the mouth-watering Boba Cream Puff!

Recipe provided by
💘Miya💗美食家、吃貨人生: @miyakemi