What else can you make with O’s Bubble?
Let’s check out some creative boba recipes!

Boba Egg Tart
- Prepare an egg tart or make it on your own.
- Cut open the instant boba pack and put it in the microwave for 1 min.
- Put the egg tart in the oven for about 3-5 min.
- Put boba on the egg tart.
- Then you can have your own Boba Egg Tart and enjoy it!

Boba Cream Puff
- Prepare a choux pastry or make it yourself.
- Cut open the instant boba pack and put it in the microwave for 1 min.You can choose milk tea flavor, chocolate flavor, or any other flavor you like!
- Put the instant boba pack in the microwave for 1 min.
- Add boba to the cream.
- Then you can enjoy the mouth-watering Boba Cream Puff!
Recipe provided by
💘Miya💗美食家、吃貨人生: @miyakemi